Archive for November, 2007

Manufacturando en China

Aproximadamente hace 7 meses recibimos este espejo de nuestro socio en Monterrey Mexdollar International.

Espejo Original

Un par de semanas después, manufacturamos este:

Nuestra Muestra

Cumpliendo las expectativas de Mexdollar International, mejoramos la calidad a un mejor precio.

El día de hoy tenemos 2 fábricas en la provincia de Zhejiang, trabajando a su máxima capacidad produciendo espejos para todo el 2008.

Así­ como el espejo de Mexdollar International, prácticamente cualquier producto puede ser manufacturado en China, disminuyendo el costo por la mano de obra barata en China. Sólo hay que conocer la mejor región donde manufacturar y hacer la diligencia debida.
¡En Dragon-Exports nos encargamos de esto!!

Y no sólo con espejos, sino que a través de Mexdollar International y Dragon-Exports, podemos encontrar el producto que usted busque.desde un alfiler hasta maquinaria! Puede estar seguro que le vamos a ofrecer la mejor búsqueda para cualquier producto que esté buscando.

Creemos que lo mas importante es crear valor para nuestros clientes y socios, esta es nuestra meta en Dragon-Exports: dar valor a su negocio.

Prueba de esto es la sociedad que hemos formado con Mexdollar International en Monterrey, Mexico. Nos da gusto decir que tenemos mas de un año de trabajar juntos, y hemos formado un equipo.

¡Queremos motivar a mas empresas que pasen su negocio al siguiente nivel, manufacturando y localizando productos en China y Asia! Con Dragon-Exports tienen un socio confiable en China, que hara crecer su negocio de eso estamos seguros!

Esperamos tener noticias suyas pronto!!


Sergio de Leon

Shopping Around

Shopping Mall

The holiday season is quickly approaching, which means people are buying things – lots of things. And while it’s too late for this year’s season, next year’s Christmas purchasing period is wide open to investment. If you have an idea about importing a certain product, or desire to import goods to your country from China, we can help you at every step of the way. Be it industrial goods, toys, make-up…anything you might need, we can find and guarantee quality and speed of delivery for you.

If you’ve got an idea but no solid plans, contact us right away – we can give you concrete advice and information about the current state of the market and the conceivability of your idea. No strings attached, and no round-about discussions; we’ll tell you straightly what the real value of an idea is, because we value and understand that honesty means repeat business. We’re partners and friends working together.

So consider what 12 months from now might be like; will stores be stocking your merchandise?


拉关系 la guanxi

“There is an old saying in China that you cannot clap with a single hand, a reference to the fact that getting things done depends more on a web of connections than any other factor.
The importance of connections in China derives from a historical lack of rule by law, impartial judgments and behavior based on universal principles.

In the Confucian concept of the world, virtuous rulers (who were also presumed to be wise and benevolent), including regional and local magistrates did not need to conduct themselves according to precise, immutable laws. Instead, they were expected to make the right decisions based on their own standards of morality and ethics.
But this system led to corruption becoming institutionalized in China, creating a society in which the only thing an individual could depend on was personal connections.

There were, and still are, two kinds of connections in China- direct connections, meaning members of one’s own extended family and other relatives, former classmates, ex-teachers, co-workers and others one has gotten to know personally: and indirect or “associate” connections, referring to people whom your direct contacts now.
Using indirect or associate connections is known as la guanxi 拉关系 or pulling (one’s) connections.
Both direct and indirect connections work in China because the custom has been ritualized and sanctified as the right thing, the moral thing, to do. Anyone who does not respond as expected, loses face, is regarded as immoral or uncivilized, and is no longer trusted or respected.

The effective use of la guanxi is a subtle and sometimes dangerous exercise. It requires that your direct contact have current and precise information about his or her relationship with the person that you want to meet or need something from.
If the relationship is no strong enough-if the social debt owed by the indirect contact to the direct contact is not sufficiently large to warrant a favorable response-the effort may result in some irritation or anger, and fail.

Asking a direct connection to use his or her contacts on your behalf naturally puts that person on the spot. If you misuse or abuse the connection, it could destroy the relationship between the two connections.

Because of the personalized nature of most social and economic relationship in China, making and maintaining connections is an overriding necessity that is pursued with considerable intensity, significantly influencing the behavior of people, including inducing them to lie and to be excessive in their praise of others.”

Lafayette De Mente, Boy©, “The Chinese Have a Word for It”, Passport Books, 2000.